Everyone agrees that this last year has been one of the weirdest on record. And people have responded to that weirdness in bizarre ways. I have concluded that the best thing we can do… the most important thing… the best thing for everyone… is to be kind. How do we be kind? Do we have to swallow every nasty thing others say or do to us? Let people run over us? No. Just…smile. Make it a challenge. How many people can you smile at in one day? What about the masks? They can’t see my face to know I am smiling. They definitely can’t see me smile if I’m on the phone! Smile anyway. They can hear your smile. Does that sound strange? It is true. Many sales courses tell you to smile on the phone. People can hear the difference when you smile. It also raises your spirits when you smile. Perhaps you remember the old adage: “If you are feeling down, force yourself to smile. It will make you feel better.” Look for other ways to lend a helping hand.
Anything to lighten someone else’s load. One of the biggest problems with a pandemic is the separation between us. So many of us see very few people today compared with a year ago. I can go for weeks without seeing anyone but my family. Even my trips to the grocery store have reduced to every other week. I used to go every week. Why did it change? Mostly because remembering masks and hand sanitizer feel like such a hassle. I cannot even imagine how lonely it could get if you live alone without family nearby. And so many of us do live alone now. And if you are retired or work from home? You could easily go for days or weeks at a time without seeing anyone. As you go through your day today, I would ask that you think about that. Think about the person you are talking to on the phone. What if you are the only one, they speak to today? Would you take a little extra time? Be a little more patient? Go a little further out of your way to make them feel good? You may be the only one that has that chance. And, by the way, Thank you for taking the time to read this. I really appreciate you! Posted by Lara Wilson, Mount Spokane Insurance - MountSpokaneIns.com
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